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地址:重庆市北碚区蔡家岗街道景望路1077号 台硕检测4S店



发布时间:2022-02-16 15:17:26人气:




拉力的不同范围,决定了不同传感器的使用,也决定了拉力机的结构,但这对价格影响不大(门型除外)。 对于一般软包装厂家来说,100牛顿的张力范围就足够了。 所以我决定用单臂。 单臂式对应的结构是门式结构,适合承受较大的拉力,如吨位或吨位以上。 所以软包装厂家基本上是多余的。  


根据软包装膜试验性能的需要和要求,行程在600-1500mm即可。 材料伸长率1000%以上可选择行程1000或1200mm。  

3. 标准配置问题  

智能三基本配置:主机、微电脑、打印机,若微电脑功能强可直接打印。 它也可以配备普通电脑。 通过计算机,可以进行复杂的数据分析,如数据编辑、局部放大、可调报表、群组式统计分析等。 如果使用计算机,厂家应增加相应的控制系统。  

4.  输出结果  

试验结果的输出结果可任意设置:最大力值、伸长率、抗拉强度、固定伸长、固定伸长力值、屈服强度、弹性模量、最大试验力8项。 这可以说是微机操作最全面的输出。 国外一些厂家的产品,一般都能产出这8个。 国内有的厂家可以输出5-6个项目,有的厂家只能输出最大值、平均值、最小值三个。  


软包装需要一台多功能拉伸机,即在配备不同夹具的基础上,可以进行拉伸、压缩、弯曲、撕裂、剪切、180度剥离、90度剥离试验。 市场上除了以上项目还有一些高档的拉丝机,由于其传感器精度高(有的达到35万)也可以测试摩擦系数。  


驱动、丝杠驱动和齿条驱动,前者价格昂贵,用于高精度、高测试重复性; 后者成本低,用于低精度和低重复性的测试。 丝杠对张力测量精度有决定性的影响。 一般滚珠丝杠、梯形丝杠、一般丝杠。 其中,滚珠丝杠精度最高,但其性能取决于电脑伺服系统的运行,整套价格相对昂贵。 一般丝杠和梯形丝杠都能达到软包装所要求的精度,即0.1-1%的精度。 传动方式有齿轮传动和链传动,前者价格昂贵,用于精度高; 后者是便宜的,用于低精度。 传感器的主要成本在于寿命,是光电感应技术中比较先进的一种,一般可用十万次以上。  

7.  测试速度  

市场上有的设备在10~500mm/min,有的在0.001~500mm/min,前者一般采用普通调速系统,成本低,粗糙影响精度; 后者采用伺服系统,价格昂贵,精度高,对于软包装企业来说,选用伺服系统,转速范围1~500mm/min就足够了,这样既不影响精度,价格也在合理范围内。  

8.  测量精度  

精度,包括测力精度、速度精度、变形精度、位移精度。 这些精度值可达正负0.5。 但对于一般制造商来说,1%的精度就足够了。

英斯特力仪器是一家集研发、生产及销售于一体的 影像测量仪拉力试验机硬度计 ,探伤仪粗糙度仪测厚仪金相设备厂家, 致力于为客户提供更好的检测仪器。 

1, first of all, we should consider the range of material tension to be tested  


The different range of tension, determines the use of different sensors, also determines the structure of the tension machine, but this has little impact on the price (except the door type).  For general flexible packaging manufacturers, 100 Newtons of tension range is enough.  So I decided to use one arm.  The single-arm counterpart of the structure is a portal structure, suitable to withstand large tensile forces, such as tonnage or above.  So flexible packaging manufacturers are basically redundant.  


2. The problem of test trip  


According to the test performance of flexible packaging film needs and requirements, the stroke in 600-1500mm.  Material elongation more than 1000% can choose 1000 or 1200mm stroke.  


3. Standard configuration problems  


Intelligent three basic configuration: host, microcomputer, printer, if the microcomputer function is strong, can directly print.  It can also be equipped with a regular computer.  Through computers, complex data analysis can be carried out, such as data editing, local amplification, adjustable reports, group statistical analysis and so on.  If computers are used, manufacturers should add corresponding control systems.  


4. Output the result  


The output results of the test results can be arbitrarily set: maximum force value, elongation, tensile strength, fixed elongation, fixed elongation force value, yield strength, elastic modulus, maximum test force 8 items.  This is arguably the most comprehensive output of microcomputer operation.  The products of some foreign manufacturers can produce these 8 generally.  Some domestic manufacturers can output 5-6 items, some manufacturers can only output maximum, average, minimum three.  


5. In the experimental project  


Flexible packaging requires a multi-functional stretcher, that is, on the basis of different fixtures, can be stretched, compressed, bent, torn, shear, 180 degree peel, 90 degree peel test.  In addition to the above projects, there are some high-end wire drawing machines on the market, due to its high sensor accuracy (some up to 350,000) can also test the friction coefficient.  


6, product machinery main configuration  


Drive, screw drive and rack drive, the former is expensive, used for high precision, high test repeatability;  The latter has low cost and is used for low precision and low repeatability tests.  The lead screw has a decisive influence on the tension measurement accuracy.  General ball screw, trapezoidal screw, general screw.  Among them, ball screw precision is the highest, but its performance depends on the operation of the computer servo system, the whole set of price is relatively expensive.  General lead screw and trapezoidal lead screw can achieve the accuracy required by flexible packaging, that is, the accuracy of 0.1-1%.  Transmission mode has gear transmission and chain transmission, the former is expensive, used for high precision;  The latter is cheap and used for low precision.  The main cost of the sensor lies in the life, is a more advanced photoelectric induction technology, generally available more than one hundred thousand times.  


7. Test speed  


Some equipment on the market in 10~500mm/min, some in 0.001~500mm/min, the former general use of ordinary speed control system, low cost, rough affect accuracy;  The latter adopts servo system, expensive, high precision, for flexible packaging enterprises, choose servo system, speed range of 1~500mm/min is enough, so that neither affect the accuracy, the price is also within a reasonable range.  


8. Measurement accuracy  


Precision, including the precision of force measurement, velocity accuracy, deformation accuracy, displacement accuracy.  These accuracy values can reach plus or minus 0.5.  But for the average manufacturer, 1% accuracy is enough.  








