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地址:重庆市北碚区蔡家岗街道景望路1077号 台硕检测4S店



发布时间:2022-05-01 10:23:59人气:

里氏硬度计是硬度计中测量厚度的优秀仪器。 它携带方便、操作简单、检测快速、测量准确,已广泛应用于工作领域。


  里氏硬度试验法是近20年才出现的,直接用里氏硬度试验法进行硬度试验还需要时间。 目前,为了兼顾里氏硬度计的实用性和传统硬度测量标准的要求,满足硬度测试工作的需要,人们往往将里氏硬度计的数值换算成硬度值 如布氏、肖氏、罗克韦尔和维氏。  .

 里氏硬度值能否直接换算成其他硬度值,与所使用的冲击装置和待测硬度材料有关。 建立不同硬度值之间的转换关系往往需要做很多工作。


里氏硬度计是一种测量和检测仪器,对保证产品质量和进行故障分析具有重要作用。 因此,选择一台好的里氏硬度计是用户的一个关键问题。

  真正的里氏硬度计符合国家和国际标准并且可以互换。 虽然我国有关部门制定了里氏硬度计的国家标准,但由于一些厂家的技术实力无法达到生产符合标准的里氏硬度计的水平,一些厂家采用修改的方法生产里氏硬度计。 里氏硬度计,但它与真正的里氏硬度计相差甚远。 原厂硬度值不准的硬度计经校正后也能满足准确测试硬度试块的要求。 因此,用户需要注意选择好的里氏硬度计。 真正的里氏硬度计具有以下特点:

1) 冲击装置可互换。 一台里氏硬度计主机可同时配备七种不同类型的冲击装置; 一台主机上可以配置多台同类型的冲击设备。

2)冲击装置的冲头可更换。 里氏硬度计冲击装置的冲头是可更换的。 同类型冲击装置的冲头可相互更换,不影响测量值。

3) 里氏硬度计不可调节。 里氏硬度计出厂后不可调节。 当因球头磨损导致测量值不准确时,应通过更换球头来解决。


英斯特力仪器是一家集研发、生产及销售于一体的 影像测量仪拉力试验机硬度计 ,探伤仪粗糙度仪测厚仪金相设备厂家, 致力于为客户提供更好的检测仪器。

Richter hardness tester is an excellent instrument for measuring thickness of hardness tester. It is easy to carry, simple to operate, rapid detection and accurate measurement characteristics, has been widely used in the field of work.

Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers and Shaw hardness testing methods are commonly used in practical hardness testing due to people's habits and hardness measurement standards that have been extended for many years.

It will take some time for us to test hardness by using the Method of Richter hardness test, which was developed in the past 20 years. At present, in order to take into account the practicability of The Richter hardness tester and the requirements of traditional hardness measurement standards, and meet the needs of hardness testing, people often convert the values of the Richter hardness tester into brinell, Shore, Rockwell and Vickers hardness values.

Whether the Richter hardness value can be directly converted into other hardness values depends on the impact device used and the hardness material tested. It often requires a lot of work to establish the conversion relationship between different hardness values.

How to identify the quality of the Richter hardness tester?

The Richter hardness tester is a measurement and testing instrument, which plays an important role in ensuring product quality and failure analysis. Therefore, it is a key problem for users to choose the Richter hardness tester.

The real Richter hardness tester is in line with national and international standards and has interchangeable consistency. Although the relevant departments in China have formulated the national Standard of The Richter hardness tester, some manufacturers adopt the modified method to produce the Richter hardness tester because their technical strength cannot meet the standard. Although their products are also called The Richter hardness tester, they are far from the real Richter hardness tester. The original measurement value is not accurate hardness tester after correction can also meet the requirements of testing hardness test block accuracy, so users to choose a good Richter hardness tester need to pay attention to the following characteristics of the real Richter hardness tester:

1) The impact device has interchangeability. A mainframe of the Richter hardness tester can be equipped with seven different types of impact devices at the same time; Several impact devices of the same type can be configured on one main engine.

2) The punch of the impact device is replaceable. The punch of the impact device of the Richter hardness tester is replaceable. The punches of the same type of impact device can be replaced without affecting the measured value.

3) The Richter hardness tester is not adjustable. The Hardness tester is not adjustable after leaving the factory, and the measurement value is not timely due to the wear of the ball head, which should be solved by replacing the ball head.

The measurement error of The Richter hardness tester meets the standard error requirement from low to high in the whole range of hardness.








