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地址:重庆市北碚区蔡家岗街道景望路1077号 台硕检测4S店



发布时间:2022-02-22 14:17:37人气:


     本拉力试验机控制系统属于计算机实时控制系统,其核心在于计算机上试验机控制软件。该软件在Windows平台上利用vC++ MFC进行开发。MFC是微软公司提供的基配奖库,雄版夭量的器面用发相关类,大大简化顶界面新发的过程致使得开发者能够将主要精力集中在问题处理上。下面在界面设计、程序架构分析以及类的设计这三个方面对软件进行分析。


英斯特力仪器是一家集研发、生产及销售于一体的 影像测量仪拉力试验机硬度计 ,探伤仪粗糙度仪测厚仪金相设备厂家, 致力于为客户提供更好的检测仪器。        

















界面线程:也就是主线程,负责人机交互,实现用户配置、试验监控功能等。该线程是控制线程与通信线程交互的媒介,其承接了控制线程与通信线程。控制线程将控制信息传递给主线程后,主线程生成通信任务,并传递给通信线程。通信线程将与PLC通信返回的数据传递给主线程,主线程利用该数据- -方面进行显示,完成试验监控功能:另- .方面传递给控制线程,进行闭环反馈控制。

The tension test rod control system belongs to the computer real-time support system, its core lies in the control software of the testing machine.  The software is developed on Windows platform using vC++ MFC.  MFC is Microsoft provided by the base of the award library, the male version of the machine surface with hair related classes, greatly simplifies the top interface of the new process so that developers can focus on the problem.  The software is analyzed in the following three aspects: interface design, program architecture analysis and class design.  


Testing machine software function analysis and interface design  


Tension testing machine control software design must comply with the requirements of tension testing machine, at the same time, the design of the control software interface can be accepted by the user, it must follow the general rules of human-machine interface design.  The main interface of tensile testing machine software is presented here, as shown in Figure 2.  The following description of the tensile testing machine control software needs to achieve the function, and then according to its functions to specific analysis of the interface design.  


Tension testing machine control software design must comply with the requirements of tension testing machine, at the same time, the design of the control software interface can be accepted by the user, it must follow the general rules of human-machine interface design.  The main interface of tensile testing machine software is presented here, as shown in Figure 2.  The following description of the tensile testing machine control software needs to achieve the function, and then according to its functions to specific analysis of the interface design.  


Testing machine control software function analysis  

According to the functional requirements of the tensile testing machine in the industrial field, the control software of the testing machine must realize the functions of real-time monitoring, material testing and test summary, which are described as follows.  

1) Real-time monitoring function ↓  

In the material test door test jun lei to clear the taste of the silkworm current material test situation.  Tensile testing machine sweep software - to provide two monitoring test methods, one is a real-time data display panel, a real-time curve display panel.  The real-time data display panel displays the specimen shape variable, tensile strength and maximum tensile strength information, while the real-time curve display panel displays the specimen tensile strength - test time curve information.  In these two ways, users can have a clear understanding of the current experimental situation.  


2) Material test function  

Tensile testing machine control software generally need to provide manual test and automatic test two test methods.  In manual test, the user can choose the direction and speed of the stretching material.  The test method is flexible and can also be used to adjust the position of puller before automatic test.  The automatic test mode is that after the user sets the test target, the software can carry out the test automatically without user intervention.  Automatic test methods include two very common test methods: tensile test and tolerance test.  Tensile test is the most basic test method for multi-section stretching.  In this mode, the user needs to set the starting force, ending force and stretching time of each stretch.  Tolerance test is used to test the reliability of materials, and the test time is generally long.  In this mode, the user needs to set force loading rate, force holding load and hold time parameters.  


3) Test summary function  

After the completion of the test, users generally need to record the material test related information.  The test summary function provided by the software includes real-time curve saving and printing function, test report filling and printing function.  

Testing machine control software interface design  

In the clear testing machine software needs to achieve the function, need a reasonable design interface.  Tensile testing machine interface design needs to follow the principles of friendly interface, intuitive presentation of information, in line with the use of site operators, safety tips and interface consistency.  Combined with the function and interface design principles of the tensile testing machine, the main interface design of the control software of the tensile testing machine can be shown in Figure 2.  


Tensile testing machine computer control software main interface includes display panel real-time curve panel and material solution test panel.  Among them, display panel and real-time curve panel can intuitively present the current material test information to the inside.  [The test mode shown on the test panel varies according to the material test mode selected by the user in the menu bar - Lightweight mode. Due to the limitation of space, the detailed interface is not given here.  


Software architecture analysis of testing machine  

The tension testing machine control software using multi-thread technology.  Although multithreading is more complex than single threading, the introduction of multithreading can make programs more modular, concurrent execution, and more efficient.  The user interaction module sets a thread separately to ensure the smooth operation of the interface.  The control software needs to realize the tasks of man-machine interface interaction, material test control, and PLC communication with the lower computer, etc.  Therefore, the testing machine control software is divided into three threads: interface thread (main thread), test control thread, communication thread.  


The above three threads are introduced as follows:  

Interface thread: that is, the main thread, responsible for human-computer interaction, user configuration, test monitoring, etc.  The thread is the medium of interaction between the control thread and the communication thread, and it takes over the control thread and the communication thread.  After the control thread passes the control information to the main thread, the main thread generates the communication task and passes it to the communication thread.  Communication thread will communicate with PLC returned data to the main thread, the main thread uses the data - - to display, complete the test monitoring function: other -.  The aspect is passed to the control thread for closed-loop feedback control.  








